Traditional Republican Values

Examples of what the GOP has historically believed in:.

  • Freedom (the Ultimate Value): The party and its leaders have stood for freedom for people all over the world. The GOP traditionally believed that individuals should be free from government interference in their lives.
  • Limited Government: The GOP traditionally has stood for limitations on what the government can and should do. Republicans believe in personal responsibility and that Government should not replace individual initiative. Decisions on personal matters, such as how citizens live, reproduce, love and worship should be left to the individual without government interference.
  • Government close to the people: Republicans traditionally have believed that required government intervention and services should be performed at the level closest to the people being governed (optimally either at the local or state level), thereby allowing the people maximum input and participation. 
  • Strong national defense: The GOP believes in peace through strength, an old, time-tested concept. Therefore, Republicans support a strong military that is always prepared to deter hostilities and war. Republicans demand that our military be used cautiously and only when necessary. In addition, as the Five-Star General and President Eisenhower stated, “we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.” Decisions related to the acquisition of weapon systems must assure operational effectiveness, be economically sound, and never be made based on the political considerations of powerful elected officials.
  • Honoring and supporting our veterans: A sacred obligation: Our nation’s veterans have been our nation’s strength and remain a national resource. Their service to their country — as community leaders, volunteers, mentors, educators, problem solvers, and public officials — continues long after they leave the military. America has a sacred trust in our veterans, and we are committed to ensuring them and their families’ care and dignity.
  • Support for our National Guard: Our Reserve and National Guard forces are national assets that must be nurtured in a manner commensurate with their role as America’s sentinels. Their historic mission as citizen-soldiers is a proud tradition linking every town and city across America to liberty’s cause.
  • Support for law enforcement: The men and women of law enforcement — whether patrolling our neighborhoods or our borders, fighting organized crime, or guarding against domestic terror — deserve our gratitude and support. We mourn those whom we have lost to violence and hatred. To honor their sacrifice, we recommit ourselves to the rule of law and the pursuit of justice as individuals and as a party.
  • Assuring quality public education: Republicans have long believed that public education was necessary to assure citizens of all backgrounds have the initial knowledge and skills to function within our society and would attain common values, regardless of class or wealth, to be good citizens of our Country.
  • History Education: Republicans believe that American and World history should be taught accurately, the good and the evil. All our founding fathers were imperfect, and some were influenced by the evil norms of their era. Our Constitution and American Society have and always will evolve in our continuous desire to do better. What Republicans generally object to, is any attempt to vilify people because of race; to focus on group identity over universally shared traits, or to divide people into “oppressed” and “oppressor” groups which inevitably will result in discord and intolerance.
  • Limited taxes and balanced budgets: The size of the government’s rightful claim — that is, the total amount it may take in taxes — will be determined by how we define the legitimate functions of government. Traditionally, Republicans have believed that taxes must be sufficient to pay for what we have decided to do. This means balanced budgets, reduced national debt, and prudent fiscal policies.
  • Encouraging capitalism: Republicans have traditionally espoused policies and programs encouraging capitalism which is the best method for all individuals to obtain wealth and a higher standard of living. However, Republicans also believe in sensible limits that keep capitalism fair and controlled. The original anti-trust acts were enforced by Republicans such as Theodore Roosevelt to ensure capitalism was used optimally. Minimizing governmental regulations has encouraged responsible business activity and a strong economy. Support of capitalism also has traditionally included support for free trade.
  • Conserving the environment: President Theodore Roosevelt was among the original environmentalists, and Republicans supported and continue to support conserving our environment. We require that environmental decisions be evidence-based and continuously reevaluated to minimize or prevent unintended consequences.
  • Realistic foreign policy based on American leadership: Republicans have traditionally believed in “American Exceptionalism.” Republicans believe that America is better as a nation-state leader than other global actors and therefore is more suited to be, and thus should be, the global leader among sociopolitical actors. While that leadership role is expected when foreign intervention is required, Republicans generally have a more isolationist philosophy concerning foreign policy and generally advocate for a reduced American role in international affairs that do not directly affect US interests. The GOP strongly supports energy independence to assure our Nation’s autonomy from hostile foreign powers.

This list could continue. At times, some Republicans may have lost their way. Mansfield Republicans must redouble our efforts to remember and live by our traditional principles and values.

Significant Material from the Pomfret Republican Town Committee Website.